How To Save $500 A Year And Help The Planet

It started simple. My wife told me that we need better water for drinking and cooking. Carrying it from the store was a pain and we always run out. We tried pitchers but they are painfully slow and then you have to refill it and i had to deal with constant filter replacements. It just did not work.

I found an easy solution. For $50 a months 20 gallons of water were delivered to us every month. The company even threw in a slick office like water cooler. It was definitely more convenient but those water containers are pretty heavy and we did not really have space to store them. So I had to keep them outside and carry it in when one need to be replaced.

We would probably still use them today if one day my dear wife would not decide that our kitchen needs to be renovated. Water cooler had to go, there was no space for it in a new kitchen. So I started looking at the water filtration systems.

We did have some experiences with few companies pushing expensive systems with maintenance contracts and I was not too thrilled about it. Often, they also looked like  they are from Rube Goldberg machines and took huge amount of space under the sink.

And then I found Waterdrop RO Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System

It did not look like anything else I have seen. The system was really slick, modern looking and compact. It looked like a PC tower where filters are facing you and they are easily replaced by simply inserting and twisting it in.

No contracts to sign either. Installation looked simple as well.

As bonus, my contractor was also able to run a line from this filter to an ice maker in a fridge and I don’t have to use filters in the fridge anymore either.

It comes with 3 filters included:

CF Filter: Reduces chlorine, taste and odor, sand, rust, solids and other impurities.Pre-sediment and Carbon Block FilterReplaced every 6 month $30 each
Pre-sediment and Carbon Block Filter: Improves water taste.Replaced once a year, $30 each
RO Filter: Reduces TDS, scale, heavy metals and most harmful contaminants.Replaced every 2 years, $90 each

And here is quick run -down on economics of it all:

First year cost$550(system) + install (~$200) + 1 CF Filter ($30) = $780
You may even install it yourself if you are handy just make sure you have access to electrical outlet to plug it in.
2nd year cost2 CF Filters + 1 CB Filter = $90
3rd year cost2 CF Filters $60+ 1 CB Filter $30+ 1 RO filter $90 = $180
Avg cost per year after 3rd$135

It comes down that it will pay for itself just after 1 year and the operating cost is $ 135 per year on average. Compare that with $600 we paid for water delivery.

Since we installed it, the company came out with a budget solution to this one.

It is even more compact and costs less, as well. The only downside I could find is that it has a one less level of filtrations and missing real-time TDS indicator. It is also using 2 filters instead of 3. On a plus side, it saves more water, has a better water flow and cheaper overall.


  1. Now you can feel all thes empty containers you have left from you water delivery company, and start selling it on your own.

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